Sunshine Band Summer Reading!

The Christian Education Department (CED) kicked off the summer with a special Summer Reading program for our young people! Every Wednesday evening in June, July and August, children logged into Zoom where they got to enjoy a fun book read by a mystery guest reader. Reading is such an important skill. Our CED wants to help cultivate a love of reading for our young people and encourage them to explore new worlds and learn interesting facts every time they open a book. 

Our Summer Reading kicked off with our own Pastor Pruitte reading, “The Book with No Pictures.” The children squealed with delight and laughter as they watched Pastor make funny sounds and say all the silly words in the book. Stories such as “The Giving Tree,” about a tree who provides a safe space for a young man throughout his lifetime, and “Where the Wild Things Are,” which journeyed through the imagination of a young boy, allowed the kids to experience life through another person’s shoes. Some of the books, such as “The Pigeon Wants a Puppy,” “I’m a Frog” and “Tails” had unique pictures of animals and various living creatures. “How to Babysit a Grandma” just tickled our young participants as did “The Monster at the End of This Book” and “The Three Little Pigs.” A beautifully illustrated book called, “Bedtime Bonnet” followed a young girl through her evening routine, and “Finding Nemo” was a familiar story filled with action and a happy ending. One reader shared, “God Made Me Special” – an important reminder that no matter what they look like, God loves all people and made them special! In all, more than 10 adult readers logged onto Zoom each week and surprised our young people with an exciting new read.  

The CED Summer Reading Program was a huge success! Not only did it provide a bit of entertainment and fun each week, but it gave the kids an opportunity to stimulate their minds and engage with reading. We thank God for our young people and are excited to see them return to school, prepared and ready for the classroom! 

One Comment

  1. Sis, Ballinger

    God Bless

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