This Year I’m Going to Give God…



Romans 12:1

It’s absolutely, positively, unquestionably the most wonderful time of the year – the Christmas season!  I’m sure if you have read any of my articles in the past, by now you know I simply love Christmas! I love everything about Christmas.  I love the Christmas carols, food, decorations, special television programs, church worship services and the Christmas plays sponsored by our youth.  I love the nip of cold in the air and Christmas stories we tell while sitting by the fireplace.  Yes, Christmas is a wonderful time of year.

Undoubtedly one of the largest aspects of Christmas has become the exchanging of gifts.  Isn't it amazing to know that countless businesses and government economies are dependent upon the purchasing and exchanging of gifts?  No other faith or religion can make this claim.  Of course we know as followers of Christ, the custom of gift giving originated from God Himself (For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son…John 3:16).   We also know that the tradition of giving gifts was continued when the magi appeared and gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh; gifts that would come to symbolize his life and ministry.  Jesus himself continued the ministry of giving when He gave His life in exchange for our sins.  But the giving did not cease there.

Today the season and spirit of Christmas continues to give hope. Millions of children and adults spend the entire Christmas season hoping that they will receive that special gift, whether it is a toy, jewelry or article of clothing.  Christmas also brings excitement. Can you remember, as a child, the difficulty of sleeping on Christmas Eve?  I was so excited about the gifts I would receive.  As I matured and was blessed with a family of my own, I began to experience the joy of blessing others and making them happy.   

Christmas has a way of bringing people together.  People travel great distances to spend time with friends, loved ones and family.  Christmas is also a time for expressing love.  There are more engagements during this time of year than any other (I proposed to my wife 29 years ago on December 23, 1987).  Christmas is a time of relative peace.  Have you noticed armies and nations at war with one another will often lay down their weapons in observance of our Savior's birthday?   We also know there is great anticipation and expectation during the Christmas season.  Children and adults alike wait in great expectation of not only what they will receive, but also how their gifts will be received.  Finally, there is usually great laughter during Christmas time.  As friends and family gather during meals and visits, memories and conversation almost always result in good times and enjoyable conversation.

My friends, as we celebrate our Savior's birthday this year, let's ask ourselves the question, "what should we give to God for all that He's done for us?"  It has been more than 2,000 years and God's gift is still blessing us.  Not only did God give His only Son, and not only did the Son give His life, but today the season surrounding His birth gives us all of those benefits I just listed whether we accept Him as our Lord or not.  This year I intend to give God something special on His birthday.  What should I give Him?

Lately when my family asks me what I want, I have a difficult time because I literally cannot think of anything I need or want.  I tell them to give me whatever they want.  Well, doesn't God have everything?  Actually He doesn't.  I believe God wants every man, woman, boy and girl to accept His gift to them – His Son Jesus Christ!  For those of us who have already accepted Jesus Christ, I believe we can give more of ourselves.  I believe there are opportunities for us to commit more time in prayer and worship.  I believe we can allocate more time for Bible study or sharing the Gospel.  I believe there are ministries, activities and programs at our churches that can use our gifts, talents, hands and money.  Yes, my friends, this year I am going to give God more of me.   After all, according to the apostle, "…this is my reasonable service."

On behalf of Lady Pruitte, and the parishioners of Holiness Tabernacle, I wish you a Merry Christmas!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!