State of the Church


Matthew 16:13-19; Acts 27

Since 1790, once a year the president of the United States of America delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of congress.  He is required by law to speak with congress and give them a report on the condition of the country politically, economically, defensively, and the like.  Usually, no matter how glum or bad things are, a positive spin is placed on our nation and it is made to seem as though brighter days are ahead.  Most often if you watch these sessions, you’ll hear the president say, “Mr. Speaker, the state of the union is good…”

President George Washington started this practice and because of law and tradition, it has continued; the tradition being the president declares the state of the union is “good”.  However, in his first ever state of the union address in 1974, then President Gerald Ford made history.  He looked at double-digit inflation, increasing gasoline prices and America’s growing dependency on foreign oil, high unemployment and the growing anger amongst young people in America about our involvement in lesser developed countries.  He considered America’s reluctant involvement in Vietnam and the Republican Party’s unpopularity as a result of Watergate.  He was no doubt troubled at the possibility of an investigation and possible indictment of former President Nixon and a new found problem called terrorism.  With this backdrop, President Ford declared during his State of the Union address, “Mr. Speaker, I have tonight to tell America that the state of the Nation is not very good.”

The Lord impressed upon me to address the saints here at Holiness Tabernacle, and I would like to encourage those who read this article.  Today, I declare the state of the Church is good!  You may ask how I can make such a statement.  Our government has legalized same gender marriage. The economy is bad and food prices are high.  Households are deteriorating, with more babies being aborted and born out of wedlock, more than 60 percent of marriages ending in divorce, and more young men of color in jail than in college.  There are  increasing levels of poverty. Our children are not being educated. Law enforcement seems to have a different opinion of serving and protecting everyone equally.  The list goes on.

Our Church leadership is being attacked daily.  Church attendance is down and more pastors leave the ministry because of discouragement, lack of support, health issues, marital problems and inadequate compensation. Still we hear of sexual and financial scandals within the church. 

Despite all of this, I hold fast my declaration that the state of the Church is good!  I base this not on my opinion, but on the Word of God!  Note the scripture text.  Jesus asks the disciples who people thought He was.  Then He asked them who they thought He was.  Peter declared that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God!  Jesus responded by saying He would build His church on that statement of faith!

In Acts 27, Paul’s shipwreck experience is recorded.  You’ll recall Paul was being sent to Rome to appear before Caesar.  The seamen ignored Paul’s warning that they should not set sail.  For some reason people neglect instruction, correction, and counsel from the man of God.  They set sail and soon found themselves in the midst of a deadly storm.  After discarding their possessions, they turned to Paul.  His instructions were simple, “…abide in the ship and you’ll be saved…”  The scripture records the ship was obliterated – it was literally destroyed – but not one passenger was lost; they made it on the broken pieces.

Friends, if you are in the Church, stay in.  If you are not in the Church, get in.  God’s Word remains true.  No weapon formed against us shall prosper. I am more than a conqueror. Greater is He that is within me than he that is in the world. If God be for us, who can be against us?  It does not matter what the world does.  It does not matter what the world says. It does not matter what demon comes against us. God will prevail.  The state of the Church is good!

Do you recall the woman of Zarephath?  This was the lady who convinced her husband to build a little room for the prophet Elijah.  Elijah prophesied and she had a son in her old age.  However, her child died un-expectantly.  It does not say she cried uncontrollably.  Rather she instructed the driver to take her to the man of God.  Upon arriving, when asked how things were fairing, she replied, “…it is well!” I cannot speak for you, but my best days are in front of me.  I am not caught up in who is doing what.  Let me encourage you to look to the Lord and expect great and mighty things!  I echo the words of my Presiding Bishop, “I see you in the future, and you look much better than you look right now!”  Saints, I have made careful examination of the plight of the world and the condition of the Lord’s Church.  I agree with President Ford, the state of the world is not too well.  But I have a message from the Lord. He told me to tell His people, the state of the Church is good!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!